Research Spotlight
Methods and Algorithms for Parallel Query Processing in Cluster Systems and Grids
The project is devoted to design and implement a parallel relational DBMS for cluster
systems and grids named Omega. The Omega DBMS utilizes the idea of partitioned parallelism
where a query is executed by parallel agents run on multiple processor nodes. Each agent
processes its own data partition.
The distinctive feature of the Omega DBMS is an effective use of many-core node for
parallel agent execution. It is reached by utilization of the asynchronous pipeline
and bushy parallelism.
Keynote papers:
- Kostenetskii P.S., Sokolinsky L.B. Simulation of Hierarchical Multiprocessor Database Systems // Programming and Computer Software, 2013. Vol. 39, No. 1. P. 10-24.
- Lepikhov A. V.,
Sokolinsky L. B. Query
Processing in a DBMS for Cluster Systems, Programming and
Computer Software. 2010, Vol. 36. No. 4, 205-215. [PDF]
- Lepikhov A. V.,
Sokolinsky L. B. Query
Evaluation Techniques for Cluster Database Systems // Advances
in Databases and Information Systems, 14th East European
Conference, ADBIS 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 20-24, 2010,
Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6295.
Springer. 2010. C. 351-362. [PDF]
Parallel DBMS for Clusters on the Basis of PostgreSQL
The project is devoted to implement parallel DBMS named PargreSQL based on PostgreSQL opensource
DBMS. PargreSQL utilizes the idea of partitioned parallelism and implies modifications in source
code of existing PostgreSQL's subsystems as well as implementation of new subsystems to provide
parallel processing.
Keynote papers:
- Pan C.S., Zymbler M.L.
Taming Elephants, or How to Embed Parallelism into PostgreSQL //
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 24th International
Conference, DEXA 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29,
2013. Proceedings, Part I. Springer, 2013. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Vol. 8055. P. 153-164. [PDF]
- Miniakhmetov R.
Integrating Fuzzy c-Means Clustering with PostgreSQL //
Proceedings of the Seventh Spring Researchers' Colloquium on
Databases and Information Systems (SYRCoDIS�2011). Moscow:
Moscow State University, 2011. P. 6-10. [PDF]
- Pan C., Zymbler M.
Development of a Parallel DBMS on the Basis of PostgreSQL,
Proceedings of the Spring Researcher's Colloquium on Database
and Information Systems, Moscow, Russia, 2011. Moscow: Moscow
State University, 2011. P. 57-61. [PDF]
Mining Very Large Graphs by Means of Parallel Relational DBMS |
The project is devoted to applying PargreSQL parallel relational DBMS for mining very large graphs,
comprising of hundreds of thousands vertices and/or edges. Very large graphs arise in problems
connected with modeling of complicated structures, such as circuits, images, chemical compounds,
protein structures, biological and social networks, workflows, the Web, etc. The vast majority
of existing both serial and parallel algorithms suppose that the graph being mined and all the
intermediate data fit into main memory, so they cannot be applied for very large graphs.
Keynote papers:
- Pan C.S., Zymbler M.L. Very Large Graph Partitioning by Means of Parallel DBMS
// Advances in Databases and Information Systems
- 17th East European Conference, ADBIS 2013, Genoa, Italy, September 1-4, 2013.
Proceedings. Springer, 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Vol. 8133. P. 388-399. [PDF]
Development of private PaaS platform on a basis of hybrid
distributed computing system |
The project is devoted to development of private PaaS platform
called "Mjolnirr". Any library or Java application can be
implemented on the basis of the Mjolnirr platform as a service. From
a developer perspective, an application on the basis of the Mjolnirr
platform is a set of independent components, which communicate
through a message passing interface.
Keynote papers:
- Savchenko D., Radchenko G. Mjolnirr: private PaaS as
distributed computing evolution // MIPRO 2014. Proceedings of the
37th International Convention (Opatia, Chroatia May 26-30, 2014),
2014. P. 401-406. [PDF]
Distributed Virtual Test Bed (DiVTB) |
provides a problem oriented approach to access remote distributed
supercomputer resources within the grid. DiVTB provides user interface to distributed computing resources,
online launch of CAE simulation, automated search, monitoring and allocation of computing resources for
carrying out the virtual experiments.
The DiVTB Technology provides a solution for DiVTB development and deployment, as well as for CAE system integration into the distributed computing environment (based on the UNICORE grid middleware) and web access to CAE simulation processes.
Keynote papers:
- Radchenko G., Hudyakova E. Distributed Virtual Test Bed: an Approach to
Integration of CAE Systems in UNICORE Grid Environment // MIPRO 2013 Proceedings
of the 36th International Convention. 2013. P. 183-188. [PDF]
- Radchenko G., Hudyakova E., Zakharov E. Providing a Web Portal
for Development and Utilization of Distributed Virtual Test Beds //
UNICORE Summit 2013 Proceedings. IAS Series, 2013. Vol. 21. P.
57-70. [PDF]
- Shamakina A. Brokering Service for Supporting Problem-Oriented
Grid Environments // UNICORE Summit 2012 Proceedings,
Forschungszentrum Julich, 2012. P. 67-75. [PDF]
Personal Virtual Computer (PVC) |
is the universal way for student to access to the cloud of educational
services of the university. The individual PVC (virtual machine) is created on supercomputer for each
student with his individual profile. The student may access to his PVC with a computer in laboratory
classes, with his laptop, netbook, home PC, tablet, etc.
Up to 450 students, teachers and research associates are able to work simultaneously. The total number of users can reach two thousands.
Mining Very Large Biometric Database of Elite Sportsmen |
The project is devoted to discovering set of key performance indicators for elite professional sportsmen
by means of mining very large database of their biometric data. Mining results will allow defining
and differing profiles of typical, promised and gifted sportsmen and making flexible corrections
of their training schedule. The project is carried out in collaboration with scientists from
Physical Culture and Sports Faculty of SUSU.
Urban Heat Island
Development of methods for modeling the influence of the
structure of agricultural and urbanization on the quality of the
Urbanization of territories significantly alters the properties of
the underlying surface and the atmosphere (mostly boundary layers)
in the local and regional level, which affects the temperature,
humidity and wind conditions. The project is aimed at finding
methods that combine numerical modeling, field observations and
climate database analysis as a geographic information system, which
allows the study of various aspects of regional nature in order to
protect the public from exposure unfavorable environmental factors.
Keynote papers:
Lenskaya O., Abdullaev S. Modelling Study of Atmospheric
Boundary Layer Characteristics in Industrial City by the Example of
Chelyabinsk // Preprints, AMS 94th Annual Meeting, 2014, Atlanta,
GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. P. 661 [PDF].
Analysis and forecast of extreme intensity severe weather events
Development of a universal approach to the analysis, the
numerical forecast and climatology of mesoscale convective systems
and associated extreme intensity severe weather events
The project is aimed at addressing common and regional climatology
problems, analysis and forecasting of mesoscale convective systems
(MCS), accompanied by a statistically rare extreme weather events
(supercells): strong gusts, large hail, tornadoes and very large sums
of precipitation (the MCS-supercell).
Solution is associated with the development of a universal approach, combining
analysis of observations, numerical modeling and climate studies of
mesoscale convective systems. It is expected that such methodological platform will predict the occurrence
severe weather events with different lead times and evaluated in
relation to the variability of the large-scale circulation
conditions and climate trends.
Keynote papers:
Lenskaya O., Abdullaev S., Zhelnin A. Organization and
Evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems Using Radar Data:
Objective Description. The �Dominating Thunderstorm� Conception and
its Application to MCS Climatology // Preprints, 15th Conf. on
Mesoscale Processes, 2013, Portland, OR, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P. 55 [PDF].
Lenskaya O., Abdullaev S. A Diagnostic and
Forecasting Techniques Based on Radar Derived Translation and
Propagation of Convective Systems // Preprints, 36th Conf. on
Radar Meteorology, 2013, Breckenridge, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc. P.
386 [PDF].